Girl Scout Cookies Wiki

The Dancer Try-it is part of the “It's Your World - Change It!” badge set introduced in 2011. It is featured on the Do-Si-Dos sash.

Girl Scout Brownies explore the world of dancing and find their inner dancer.

Activity #1: Warm Up and Get Moving[]

Before any workout you have to warm up. To add a little fun, act out your favorite animal—jump like a rabbit or frog, sit on the oor and “ y” like a butter y, slither on the ground like a snake or get on your hands and feet to walk like a crab. Add music and talk about how each of these animals move in their environment.

Activity #2: Try a New Dance[]

Ask a dancer for help learning a dance routine. You can contact the local high school dance team, dance studios or community centers to see if they have a dancer who can come to your troop meeting and teach basic steps and skills. To take the experience one step farther, go to a dance studio for this step.

Activity #3: Take to the Floor Like a Dancer[]

Pick a few dancing fads from past decades and learn them. Some examples are the macarena, the twist, the electric slide, the mashed potato and more. See the link below for more ideas. You can watch YouTube videos online to learn dances as well.


Activity #4: Make up Your Own Dance[]

Pick your favorite song and get creative. Use your imagination and what you have learned to create an original dance, working as a group or as individuals. You can even split up the song, with each girl creating a few eight-counts before teaching the others and putting it together as one big dance.

Activity #5: Show Your Moves![]

Throw a dance party! If you want, extend the invite to family, friends and fellow Girl Scouts. Perform your new dance routine and teach it to your guests. You can also create your own playlist with the help of an adult and give a copy to each guest.