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Girl Scouts of Nassau County Gold Award 2015 Ceremony honored 80 girls with the Gold Award and place them among an elite group of women who continue to make a difference in the world beyond the Girl Scout experience.

Throughout the 2014-2015 Girl Scout year these girls dedicated their time to complete their projects while developing strong community leadership skills and spreading their voice to incite change locally and globally.

About the Girl Scout Gold Award[]

Gold Award (Girl Scouts of the USA)

Main article: Gold Award

The Girl Scout Gold Award, Girl Scouting’s highest honor, is earned through a project that meets an expressed need in the community.

Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts are challenged to excel in the areas of leadership and service as they utilize skills learned from the Journeys to complete their Gold Award project. Earning the Girl Scout Gold Award is no simple task. It requires completion of a series of steps: identify a community need; investigate it thoroughly; request help and build a team; create a plan; present the plan; gather feedback; take action; and educate and inspire others.

In reaching out to others, these young women learn about the talents and strengths within themselves.

A Gold Award recipient becomes a community leader whose accomplishments set her apart from the rest. The organizational skills, leadership skills, and sense of community and commitment that come from “going for the gold” set the foundation for a lifetime of active citizenship. The list of opportunities is endless. 

2015 Gold Award Recipients[]

Name Project Title
Ariana A Making Waves
Angelica B The End of Bullying Begins with You
Isabella B Archery & Fitness Club
Kaitlin B Talking History
Megan B Emergency Preparedness"Are you Ready"
Erin B A Healthy Life Begins With You
Alexa B Food Allergy Awareness
Kelly B F.A.I.R Food Allergy is Real
Elizabeth B Arms are for Hugging Not Hitting
Katharine B "A Year of Giving"
Amanda Lynn B The ''Save a Life" Project
Hannah B New Beginnings gets New Books 
Chelsea C Balanced and Healthy Eating
Meghan C Adopt a Grandparent
Olivia C Be Fit! Be Healthy! Be Strong! Cheer!
Courtney C Tennis for Tots
Claire C Sharing love  animals and people
Monika C Help the Environment! Eat Organically
Elisabeth D Understanding Others Opinions
Alexa D Field Games & Fun Fitness
Emily F Express Yourself
Lauren G Joining Generations
Julia G Orthopedic Injury Awareness, Education & Recovery Support for Children &Teenagers
Kaitlyn G Run & Fun in the Sun
Paige G  Lynbrook Guide For New Students  
Nicole G Healthy Lifestyles for Children
Jacqueline H Girl Power: Be Safe and Aware
Catherine H Stem Camp
Kimberly H Healthy Eating
MaryBeth H Ban the Tan Generation
Sarah J To Integrate Native English Learners and English Learners
Aubri J Self Defense 
Katelyn K Maximize Recycling Program in Village of Lynbrook
Julie K Don't "Bee" Afraid, Beelieve!
Megan K Girls Get Fit
Mary Catherine K Crafting Old to New: Re-energizing for LI Fair
Shannon K The Rewards of Learning How to Garden
Baylee K Artists with Smiles
Laura K Navigating the Gluten Free Life
Samantha K Scoliosis
Vidya L Focus on Abilities
Caitlin L Girls Night Out-Book Club
Katherine L St. John's Sunday School Nursery Program
Annamarie M Literacy in Nature
Krista M Remember the Fighters
Jeanette Marie M Recycle Takeover
Melissa M Advocating for Veterans
Michelle M Transitions from Elementary to Middle School
Tazim M Teen Tutor Infrastructure
Margaret M Raising Bone Marrow Awareness in Under-served Populations
Nikoleta M Improvisation Workshop
Nicole N Calvary Website
Danielle N Action for Angela
Annie C College Basics
Haroulla P Stand Up! To Defend Yourself
Emma P I Hope You'll Dance
Julia P To Increase Student' Interest & Proficiency in Mathematics
Jessica P Together We Stand
Meghana R Crossing Barriers
Samantha R Cleaner & Greener- Baby Steps to A Chemical Free Family
Lindsay R A Start in Art
Carmen S Dating Violence Among Teens
Emily S Giving Knowledge to At-Risk Youth
Emma S Getting Girls into the Game
Samantha S A Chance to Dance
Lauren S GCHS Speech and Debate Team
Tatyanna S Is Your Pet Prepared?
Amber S A Day in the Life Of
Francesca S What's your Happy Medium
Jamie S Signing as a 2nd Language
Emma S Eating Disorder Awareness
Gabriella T Intro to Theater and Costume Room Renovation
Rebecca T Habitats on Long Is. Education through Murals
Julia V Be a Better You
Kaitlyn V The Spirit of Red White & Blue
Diani W Veggies vs Obesity
Kate W Erase the Waste
Rose Z Empower Girl's Health Workshop
Katherine Z Looking at the Glass Half Full
Janelle Z Preserving Mineola History