The Girl Scout Ambassadors are the sixth and final level in the Girl Scouts of the USA. Eleventh and twelfth graders are in this level. They wear the same khaki colored vest or sash as Cadettes and Seniors. The Girl Scout Membership Star is worn with navy membership disks.
Ambassadors use the Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting for Ambassadors and the National Leadership Journeys to earn badges that are shaped like an octagon. They may earn the Counselor-in-Training (CIT), the Counselor-in-Training (CIT) II, the Volunteer-in-Training (VIT), the Ambassador Community Service Bar, the Ambassador Service to Girl Scouting Bar, the Gold Torch Award, the Ambassador Safety Award, and the Bridge to Adult Award.
Ambassadors are eligible to earn the Gold Award.
Awards []

Ambassador Leadership Journey Awards []
- Your Voice, Your World
- Girl Scout Advocate Award (Badge or Pin)
- Justice
- Sage Award (Badge or Pin)
- Bliss: Live It!
- Dream Maker Award (Badge or Pin)
National Proficiency Badges []

Legacy Badges []
- Photographer
- Coaching
- Public Policy
- Dinner Party
- Ambassador First Aid
- Ambassador Girl Scout Way
- Water
Financial Literacy Badges []
Cookie Business Badges []
The Girl Scout Gold Award []

Main article: Gold Award
The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest award a Girl Scout can earn. It is awarded to Girl Scout Seniors or Ambassadors who complete a project that will make a lasting difference in the world.
Prerequisites []
Girls must be in high school, be a registered Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador or have earned the Girl Scout Silver Award and completed one journey.
Gold Award Steps []
- Identify an issue.
- Investigate it throughly.
- Get help and build your team.
- Create a plan.
- Present your plan and gather feedback.
- Take action.
- Educate and inspire others.